Monday, September 12, 2011

Topics of Life

Everyone is in our life for a reason.  Most of the time we would like to know what those reasons are.  People frustrate us and confuse us but for what? Personal gain? Who knows.  Its just frustrating.  It all doesn't matter in the end.  In the big picture.  Its just the task of enduing to the end I guess.  Some people don't understand things or are to thick to realize them and so the make up excuses or try to get rid of the issue at hand.  They don't care to solve the problem or to understand the issues at hand.  I really can't stand people who use others for their purpose or exploit them for their weaknesses.  Now I may be hypocritical because in certain instances it is appropriate to do so but not for your own gain.  Some people just aren't as smart as others and cant see that they are wrong and wont admit it is so.  Drives me nuts.  Then there are those who think that they are better than others because of their qualifications or their experiences.  It makes you more knowledgeable but not better.  Everyone is the same and deserves the same respect, unless they prove to not deserve any respect.  There are cases where people do things willingly that are really unforgivable and others that can be understood.  But somethings just are not acceptable to be forgotten.

Im not making any sense but I figured it doesnt matter because this is me just running thoughts out of my head on to the computer.  Some times its easier to let the keyboard know things rather than humans.  But anyway, its just easier to write these things and then delete them soon after

Im out of things rambling in my head,

Until next time, if there is one before the two years I will be spending away from this confusing place.