Thursday, December 5, 2013

Its been a while

Its been a while and a lot has happened.  For the bigger points, I went on a mission to California/Brasil, due to visa issues, came home and now I'm engaged.  To the wonderful Kylie Lewis, who keeps a great blog which is located at  She is the greatest.  My other half.  Just a couple of things going on in life, I plan to move to Utah in the next month, probably at the same time Kylie goes back down for work, in fact if all goes well we will be able to drive together.  But moving is always a little stressful.  There is so much to do and so little time.  Job hunting gets old really quickly.  Sometimes I wish they would just appear out of no where and give me a great offer that I would be more than willing to accept.  I'm still hopeful.  

Brad and Gwen, my brother and sister in-law are moving down to Arizona as well in January.  I think my younger brothers are going to feel a little left out.  But that's the way life goes right?  Its kind of a sucky situation.  Things never will really be the way they used to be.   Even though they weren't that great, now that those times are gone, they are missed.  

Post-Mission is kinda weird.  I've mentioned it to a few people since I've been home and for the most part everyone says the same thing back to me.  It feels like everything should be the same as it was when I left but everything is most definitely different.   Life goes on and we've got all night, if you've got rock and roll you're gunna be alright.  Anyway, I feel kinda torn, I've never had the greatest relationship with my brothers, like we never did a whole lot together, it was probably because of the age gap, but I don't want spending time with them to end.  It's a little harsh but we all have to grow up sometime.  It'll be an interesting, new, exploration time of my life.  Lots will change and everything will be different.  

Its interesting trying to be an adult and pay for things, manage money and what not, I must say, getting engaged is not a cheap ordeal.  Those ladies are expensive, but with all things considered, they are totally worth it.  There is so much to worry about, and I don't know where I'd be without insurance.  It helps quite a bit, I'm sure it won't seem so as a newly wed couple but it will pay off after the first couple of kids.  

I am pretty excited for January to come though.  One of my best friends, Craig O'Laughlin comes home form his mission in Pittsburgh.   So that will be sweet to see him again.  I have yet to see on of my best buds, Olsen from the mish.  He got home in April of this year, so he's been home for a little while.  It'll be cool to meet up with him again.  It would be so nice if I could travel for free and see all my great friends, cause they are scattered pretty far across the world.

For now I'm done rambling and I've got some of my thoughts on "paper" of sorts.   Now just to figure out how to move this blog into my other gmail account.   Its off to an adventure to see what will happen in our daily lives.  'Till next time