Saturday, May 21, 2011

Famous People

We all have our famous people.  Those we look up to, those we hold dear to us and those that meeting them would complete our lives.  Its really weird when you get to meet them too..... The only real experience Ive had with this is warped tour 2010.  Ive heard the bands through the speakers but they really never seem like they are real.  Just sound waves. Then I got a twitter and started following all the people that were in bands I admired.  Everyone all of a sudden started becoming real.  Sort of.  Then I went to warped tour and all of these people were standing within 30 ft of me.  It was crazy.  I got a picture with Jess Bowen which was sick.  I guess this is just a result of me kind of having a sheltered childhood and listening to 80's music all my younger days.  The same thing occurred at the dedication of the BYU-I center, and at general conference when I saw the prophet.   

This blog came about because there was a guy from a band that is LDS and is in Rexburg so Jessica and Damon freaked out and so we drove around town in hope of running into him.  Spoiler alert! we didnt run into him.

Anyway thats all I got.   Its just something crazy that ive thought about and what not. Oh and I also pre-ordered the summer sets new album Everythings Fine.  Im syked to listen to the whole album cause I love Someone like You. 

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