Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This one goes out to the gospel.

I believe there is one thing that has got me to where I am today and the is the True Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.   I have no idea what I would do without it and I dont know how billions of people go throughout their day in the world not knowing that things I have been taught since I was a child.  I think its so cool that my brother at 3 yrs old could identify a picture of Christ.  Its crazy to think that there are people that we come into contact everyday that dont know any of the life changing truths that us Mormons know and are taught as soon as we can retain knowledge.

One of the coolest things in my opinion of our church is the importance of families.  They are the most crucial unit of people ever.  Mothers and Fathers have one of the most important jobs ever.  And this is one of the reasons I am so excited to be a parent when the right time comes.  I cant think of anything more gratifying than being a parent and knowing your raised virtuous, trustworthy kids.  I just want to know that feeling.  But I love my family regardless of the countless arguments and the fighting and the disagreements. My family is a little more out of the ordinary but regardless they are the best.  There is nothing more enjoyable than just hanging out with the family laughing and having a good ol time..  Friends are great and are sometimes more fun than the family but in retrospect the family will always be there and there is a connection that bonds siblings and parents together no matter the events that come between one another.

One thing I love about attending the Lords University is that everyone has the same basic knowledge and a spiritual conversation can spawn out of no where. And I love it.  Theres nothing than the awesome feeling of discussing gospel topics with friends and getting a witness from the Holy Ghost over and over again that all of it is true.  Its absolutely undeniable.  I understand reasons to why people do reject the gospel and think that our teaching are false but I know it to be true.  And that all that matters.  I will do my best to share my knowledge with the people of the Ribeirao Preto Mission but nothing will be able to waver my faith and I will be diligent in doing what the Lord needs me to do.

I feel my strongest testimony I have is of Joesph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel.  I dont know why... it may have to do with my seminary teachers testimony of him but its always stuck out the most in my mind.  Every time Joesph Smith is brought up I get that tingling feeling you get when you undeniably know something is true.  I just feel like its so powerful and I feel sorry for those who think he was a false prophet.  He was and Amazing man.  He is really my greatest example next to Christ to follow.

I am definitely not perfect and I have my many faults but I do my best to be better because I know what I should be doing and I feel terrible when I dont do something I should be doing or do something I not supposed to be doing.   Ive got a lot of work to do to become the person I would like to be but I know I can achieve it with the help of all m friends, family and the gospel.

I could go on for days but I need to go to bed.  I know everything about the Gospel is true and I look forward to go through the temple to get my endowments and serve a mission and come home and get married and have a wonderful family and an amazing time here on earth in the mortal existence.

Until next time.... 

P.S. My brother Brad inspired me to write this one.  Im really excited for him to come home and be able to hang out with him for a bit before I leave.   Thanks.

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