Friday, May 13, 2011

My Beliefs

This is a homework assignment I had and thought it was blog worthy.

1.      The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter –Day Saints.  It is very important to be a member of this church and believe that it is the truth and all the things we learn in accordance to the church are true.  I know that all the things I am taught at church are true and that we need to be very proud of our high standards and do our best to live them.
2.      Families.  Families have been a huge part of my life and I know that they are an essential part of Heavenly Fathers plan.  They create a unit where a child can be raised and taught the things they need to survive in this life.  Families should care and look out for each other and do the best they can to protect each other.  They also provide a great system of trust and safety for those that need it.
3.      The Plan of Salvation.  I really believe in the plan of salvation because I know that I will see my mom again in her perfected glory and that all families will be reunited again.  She was a huge part of my life and she is greatly missed and by believeing the plan of salvation I know I will see her again.
4.      Freedom.  I believe in freedom because we should all have certain rights that allow us to use our Moral Agency.  We deserve to not have to worry about our lives being in danger doing routine things in our day.  I know that we should all be allowed to be allowed to have our freedom and when we abuse our freedom there will be punishments.
5.      To not judge others.  I believe in the idea that we shouldn’t judge others depending on their race religion or looks.  When someone judges someone then there is potential for hurt.  The thing we want the least of.  It’s not necessary to put a label on others for enjoyment or for any other reasons.
6.      Peace.  There never will be absolute peace in our lives. There will always be turmoil but I believe that if we insist on being peaceful the most we can then things will always work out better for ourselves.  Sometimes it requires force upon those who have no rules but we need to make the best decisions we can in order to be safe. 
7.      Down Time.  I believe in everyone’s life they need down time in order to stay sane.  It can include family time, friend time, play time, anything that relaxes us.  In our busy lives there is tension and stress, but somehow we need to find time to relax and take some time for ourselves. 
8.      Communication.  I believe communication is very important in our lives.  To keep healthy relationships we all need good communication.  We need to have conversation with our Heavenly Father, our parents, our extended family and our friends.  It is the easiest way to avoid tension and arguments.  Most of the little fights that siblings have are due to miscommunication. 
9.      Work.  I believe that we all need to know how to work. Not necessarily working out on the farm but know how to work at getting a task accomplished.  If everyone had a drive to work and be do the best job they can, so many employment problems would go away.  It is a very important skill to develop as a child.  
10.  Desire to change.  I believe everyone must have a desire to change in order to become a better person and to benefit everyone around them.  If people are gloomy and depressed they need to want to be happy and cheerful.  Others look up to people like that.  And if someone goes through such a change they will be stronger.


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