Thursday, April 7, 2011

Anxiety is Taking Over

My mission papers are in Salt Lake City today.  They will be processed for a good week and the will more than likely show up at my house on monday the 18th or tuesday the 19th.  I will be gone to school so my parents will have to mail them to me.  When I met with President Thompson last night he said I will start getting just as excited as damon. (ive never seen someone as excited as him).  Now that I know where my papers are it is getting to me.  Its like the ultimate letter to receive.  Besides a huge check..... no maybe the call is better.   Im not going to be able to concentrate on school for the first week or so.  But it will be good for me. 

Theres also school that Im kindof nervous about.....  More than I was the first time.  Maybe its because I know what to expect but this semester is going to be so different.  And by so different I mean soooo different. Im living with a new roommate.  And new roommates that I dont know.  Theres going to be new friends.  Im living in a new apartment complex.  I think Im just making a big deal out of nothing.  Although for another 8 days its going to bug the crap outta me.  And when I get nervous I get spastic.   Full of energy and uncontrollable.  For 8 days.

Yesterday I decided I didnt want to work and I think it was a good choice.  I thought I would be bored but I watch Numbers for a good 3 hours and time flew by.  I went to my interview at 8 and then hung out with Damon and watched Arthur at the theater. Great Movie by the way.  I laughed. A lot.  I will definitely miss being able to preview the movies the night or two nights before it comes out to the public.  This weekend should be pretty busy now that I think of it.  We are previewing Red Riding Hood tonight.  I have mixed feelings about it.  But I will watch it regardless. 

I love being comfortable.  With myself and my surroundings.  And I think the reason I stress about doing new things is that I dont know if I will be what I need to be or live up to peoples expectations.  I dont really care about being better than ever one else because I know that Im not.  I guess I just think too much of what other people think of me.  Im not selfish or conceited, well I dont think myself to be and try not to be.  But I just cant find a middle ground.  Thats why I love being comfortable because I can do what I want without any major consequences I guess.  Repetition really helps with getting more comfortable.  Like the more times I go over to someones house and get to know their parents better or just dont feel weird around them the better it is.  But at college its kindof like the other roommates are the parents.  Juat new people I guess.  They are easier to get used to because they are closer to your age maybe. I dont know

Thats all I got for now....

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