Sunday, April 17, 2011

Settling In.......

Friday around 830 pm MST I arrived in Rexburg to start off my second semester here at BYU-I.  Now I was really nervous to be honest and so far... Im not nervous at all.  All my roommates are really cool.  And one of them said the best thing EVER.  "No one puts their dishes in the sink" it got me syked for this semester.  But
these are the kindof guys that dont mind sharing their stuff and are really relaxed about everything.  One of them is just into Star Wars as much as I am. 

Now this semester is full of new things.  Completely new roommates,  new apartment complex, new ward, new friends.  And Im amped about it.  Now I have a feeling that their might be somethings that will change not so much for the better right now but for a better in the long run. 

As soon as I got here I really didnt know what I should buy to eat, grocery wise.   So far Ive only gotten cereal.  But ill just have to go to the store and look around and figure this conundrum out.

Yesterday Damon, Craig, Jessica, Claire and myself went to campus to get books and Damons I-card, and we ended up not getting it but we got out books.  Then later we hung out for a bit and went to get Damon a pair of scriptures and do a little shopping.  Then we came home and I went over to Kylies house and met her roommate and chatted for a while which was entertaining.  Then Damon, Claire Jessica and I went to Panda Express in IF.  We had a little trouble finding it but we got there eventually. 

Thats all I got for now.

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