Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Common Sense

At the moment I am sitting in the theater. Screen 1 to be specific.  While friends, cousins and siblings play xbox.  We have it all wired up to the digital projector.  Anyway ill get to my point.  The siblings apparently invited all of their friends and there are 10 kids total.  One xbox with four controllers mind you.  And 10 kids. Freaking stupid. if you ask me.  And I assumed that there was only 5 kids at the max so I brought the car.  I just dont understand. 

The only reason Im here is because there has to an adult and I thought it would be a good time to blog. And Im a good brother. hah

But along the topic people that dont have common sense blow my mind. "You really dont know how to make top ramen"????!!!! Or they dont know where to look.  I dont think they are stupid, I think their parents must be the biggest air heads to not teach their kids to do or know the simplest of tasks.  What is this world coming to.

I am so excited to go back to school, its almost unbearable. joke. I am excited though. And I found out today that I did indeed have to have an interview with president Thompson and Im scheduled to do that tomorrow. What this means is that I will definitely get may call while Im at school.  Im promised a party and cookies, it will be grand.  But my roomates... They are looking a little interesting. Especially the one that goes by the name of Damon. Weird right? (joke)  but really though this Kenyon kid looks interesting and Craig..... I dont know maybe they will be cool.  But I will find out in a week I guess. 

I talked to my brother for the first time in a long time today.  Via facebook. He wanted to know what I had been up to.  I figured he meant these past few months.  I of course said nothing much.  Then he said that it didnt look like nothing because he had perused my pictures.  But those where from like 4 months ago. Thats old news.  But then again he reminded me hes been gone for 20 months. A lot, happens in 20 months.  I graduated. Went to a semester of college and am now turning in my mission papers.  Time flies to say the least. He also is willing to answer any questions i have but to be honest I really dont have any.  I feel like I will figure it all out just fine.  And that type of stuff generally comes to me naturally. 

 I wont say it now but I will miss home in a little while.  It might take a month but its inevitable.  On my mission I am going to miss my music a lot.  Im going to miss late nights hanging out with a mixed gender. At school and on the mish. Im going to miss the female species as well.  Something about those women. They just brighten my day. Then again there are the others that hang a dark cloud over my day.  Letters and email will be my best friend out there.  

But thats all I got for now. I considered making multiple post because of all the different subjects but Im just not that ambitious. 

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