Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feeling a Tad Lonely

But its alright.  There is sure to be excitement right around the corner.  Spring break starts this friday which means the cousins are coming and one or two(im not sure) of the theater slaves(joke they aren't slaves) will be leaving.  More work for everyone else. Thanks for thinking about us.  Anyway,  It sucks being the only one who stays up, or I guess for that matter is allowed to stay up on school nights.  Everything is more enjoyable when you dont have to do it alone.  But its only temporary, so Im okay with it.  Just a little more time and I will be surrounded by everything that makes oneself unlonely. (apparently that's not a word).

I watched the movie Beastly tonight.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I think it was a cool story line and everything, it just was way to corny.  They did manage to get some comic relief in there too so that was a bonus.  Other than that I have to give it a  3 star rating.  Hop is coming out this weekend as well and I really hope it comes through with all the advertising its gotten.  It will be a big movie, Im sure.

These are a few things Ive learned from operating a theater: 
It take more than just management and cleaning.  It needs personal understanding and care.   Not to brag but my family has done an amazing job on it and it is already three times the theater it was two months ago.  Now I have taken on the curiosity of how to make the popcorn better.  We got new seeds and they are great.  Except they are now the equivalent of the old seeds. We also have new butter but we are using all the old stuff first.  But back to the seeds.  I got curious and googled questions to find answers.  And of course it didnt fail.  There is oil inside the kernel and when you heat that kernel to 450 degrees the oil turns to steam and the seed essentially blows up.  So I figured out how it works but I didnt understand why the popcorn always seems dry.  And so I used google.  I found an article that recommended putting the seeds in a container and when not in use keep a damp towel over top to preserve the moisture inside the seeds.  Previously the seeds were in a metal drawer that was next to a lot of heat in order to keep the butter liquefied.  So that dries up the seeds right away.  That problem is now fixed by putting the seeds in a new container away from the heat and a towel on them at night and Ive become very passionate about making the best popcorn that we can.
Another thing, operating a theater takes a lot more work than I ever thought it did.  But once you get the hang of it and become passionate about your work it all becomes something else.  So much more.  Its definitely  become a blessing in my life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Staying Up and Sleeping In

When we were all young we would do anything we could to stay up just to rebel against the rules.  as we got older we were allowed to stay up a little longer but we still didn't grasp why we had to sleep so long.  Then as we reached the teenager age we always stayed up and slept in as long as we can.

I remember when my uncle Sam was at my house when I was probably 8 or so. He was always taking a nap on the couch.  I didnt understand why.  Thats what babies through 2 year olds do because their bodies arent big enough to keep them awake for the normal amount of time.  But as I grew up I completely understood the phenomenon.  Teeneagers stay up to late and their bodies dont get enough sleep to support a growing body. 

To have a healthy sleep schedule an adult should sleep up to 9 and a half hours.  But as society has progressed that time has somehow decreased.  Maybe we are just adapting to not needing as much sleep. Now its like 8 hours.  These past weeks I have been getting 4 to 6 hours of sleep a night and somehow manage getting through the day with out too much lag.  But every once in a while I will have to luxury of not having anything to do in the morning and sleep in till noon or one.  Which I did today.  I figure its just my body trying to catch up on sleep.  And not getting too much sleep. Because that can be detrimental as well.

This will all of course change when I get back to school. Even though I wont have to be up till 930 every morning and only one class on friday.  And the last class at 3. On two days of the week.  Its going to be a shocker but its going to be a blast regardless. 

But that's it for now.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Dont Miss These Nights

So this is what happens when you have two friends that are busy on the same night.  Im really used to them.  But for the past while I have relived what its like being around friends every night.  Thats why, or another reason why, Im so excited for school. Because the only reason your don't hang out with friends every single night, is because you don't want to.  And the only reason you wouldn't want to would be because you have to much homework.  But I am so grateful for my friends here in Ephrata that don't mind keeping me company. You guys are #1

Working at the theater all the time has really hit me hard too.  Its as though Ive lost all motivation to keep working as hard as I need to.  But the fact that it will only get my treatment (which is better than almost everyone elses treatment, not to brag)  keeps me going.  Its going to be interesting for everyone to adjust to me being gone.  As selfish as it sounds, its true. 

 Id like to type another paragraph but I cant think of anything so Im down and out.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Its Getting Closer

The bushmans left this morning and as Ryan walked out the door and I said "See Ya".  And he replied, "maybe".  It really made me realize, Holy Crap.  Im probably not going to be seeing a lot of people for two and a half ish years.  And others Im going to have the oppertunity to spend a lot of time with before I leave.  Its really creeping up on me.  Ill leave for schoolon April 15 and get done July 26. With one or two visits home during that period of time.  Then it may be a few weeks or a month that I have left at home before I go.  Its just seems like a goliath right now but I know it will go by and I will have good times and rough times.  I know I will come out of it a stronger person.  Itll be fun.  I got a call from my uncle on my birthday about a month ago.  He was talking about visiting us because he hasnt seen the family in two years since his wedding and my brother and I saw him a year ago at my cousins wedding.  Id really like to see all of my family before I leave.  I hope that wish isnt too farfetched but its not too much to ask is it?  They are scattered from arizona to Canada. Its not too bad but its hard for us to all get together.

Theres also the chance of me and Brad crossing over.  By that I mean he comes home right after I leave.  A lot of people ask me about this but its still impossible to tell, until I get my call in a week or so.  I wouldnt be super depressed.  I mean I almost didnt say goodbye when he left because I had something going on and I was about to leave and my dad told me to give him a hug.  (come on dad we are close but not that close)  Whatever happens I know that it will be for the best and strengthen our relationship. Even though I hardly ever talk to him.  I feel kinda bad about it.  Im plan on emailing him at school but who know what will happen to that plan.  

Anyway, Im excited for the future and what it has in store for me. 

The Adjustment Bureau

I watched The adjustment Bureau tonight with my family and some friends.  And personally I liked it more than inception.  It touched on more mind boggling things, personally.  Id recommend you see it.  But anywho. Its about a group of people that make everyones lives go according to the chairmans "plan".  They state that they watch over the whole world.  Which is seriously impossible.  Anyway.  I think it all happens by chance.  Especially if there were humans running the program. Humans are imperfect and always have flaws. which can be good or bad.  but at the end of the movie they end up receiving free will to make their own plan.  Which is the way things are run.  Now i know there are people put on this earth at certain time to achieve a certain something to improve our living on this earth. We all just have the choice whether to be that person or not.  And how we do that is to make the right decisions wherever and whenever we can.  And the "right" decision can be decided by us if its right or wrong.

That didnt go where I was planning but oh well. 

My sleep patterns have been really messed up lately.  It possible its from how late ive stayed up this  passed week but during the day im exhausted. But at night its impossible to fall asleep.  Thats a problem not worth worrying about. 

On a last note,  when we are young we cannot let others control our lives.  Love is gained and lost but we must cope with these problems the best we can.  There is really no need to take drastic, desperate measures.  It is very possible to get through it and the sooner we realize this, the better out of it we will come.  In everyone's lives are places safe houses.  Some more than others but regardless we always will have one no matter what kind of rut we get ourselves into.  Those safe house can be friends, family, faith, or even a physical place.  (that kinda rhymed, unintentionally of course)  (the more i think about it it doesn't)  Its getting late and I need a bit more energy tomorrow due to it being friday and it being a longer work day.  But until next time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Having A Lot Of Women Around The House

With there being a wedding around the corner there is a lot of talk between the sisters of wedding dresses and every detail that goes along with weddings.  Lots of talk of whos coming and who wont be happy because someone else is there.  Its funny.

So that was yesterday I just didnt have enough to say to make it a worthy blog. In my book anyways.

To wrap up on the top paragraph, Brindy went and got a dress today. EXCITING!!! (lots of sarcasm) but Im glad she was able to find one.  Besides that im really starting to enjoy the late night arguments that happen between Cassidy Ryan Bailey Brindy Tucker and myself.  They range from politics to making fun of Mexicans (no offense, they have their pros and cons)  Beside that fact. lifes just going well.  I need to make a visit at the Pughs house for sure though.  So much to do and so little time. Oh and the theaters parking lot is nice and smooth thanks to Ryan being here. 

22 days till school. Thats all I got.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Making The Most Of Things

Ive got a limited time at home left.  That means no more family and no more little kids running around and no more free food.  Times get tough but its all worth it.  Back to not having much time left at home has made me realize I should probably work towards a better relationship with those around me.  For the most part my family that is.  Now Ive had a rough streak with those Merchant girls. I suppose I just didnt understand them or didnt care to.  But the past few days with Ryan and Cassidy here and everyone sitting down and just hangin out its kinda fun to have late night conversations.  Everyone has something in common. I have definitely leaned that one the hard way.

Today Mandy was over and so was Milli.  Now Milli is a hard one to read.  Granted shes only 2, I want her to remember who I am. Maybe even that cool uncle.  She can almost say my name too, but in the past she hasnt liked me. By that I mean she runs when I go near her and she tries to ignore me the best she can.  But after today I think its changed.  Long story short we had a blast today even though we just played around the house. 

And then there is Dixie. She Cassidys second girl, shes about 3.  There really isnt anyone around her age, her older sister and Jaxon play games that either dont interest her or they are to difficult for her to grasp.  She has quite the imagination too.  So quite often you will find her playing with her little barbies by herself.  This afternoon I decided to sit down and play Rapunzel with her.  She was really excited and she even told me what I needed to say in my part being the prince.  I felt really unmanly playing with barbies and saving Rapunzel but I like to look at it on a different level.  It doesnt matter that I was playing with barbies. I was playing with my little niece that sometime is a pain in the butt, but truly a princess at heart. Its the small things that count and add up for us.   

I really like little kids and im excited to be a dad someday.  Its hard work but its work that will actually be worth it in the long run.  Little kids just have a special spirit about them.  They are all really special. 

Thats my softy rant for the night. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Registering For Classes

So the wait starts.  Its used to be that you could start registration at midnight if the day of registration but they changed it to 6 o'clock MST. So that means in Ephrata it going to be 5 o'clock.  Another convenience I am blessed with is, my great girlfriend Kylie who is holding two of my classes for me so I only have to worry about getting 3 of them which all of you who have experienced registering for BYU-I, it realllllly sucks.  So me and Damon are getting hopped up on mountain dew to stay awake all night even though he cant register till Wednesday due to being a transfer student.  But the positive side to this is that there are 26 days left till school starts. Im soooo excited to get back to school and get away from the family theater for a while because ive been down there every single night since we took over there.  Itll be a nice break. 

 Then ill be living a totally different life style in four months.  Ill be setting out on my two year adventure us mormons call a mission. A mission to change into a different person and spread the gospel to the best of our ability.  Dont get me wrong im so excited to go and it will be a blast im sure but itll also be over in a flash.  My brother comes home in 4 and a half months and its going to be a close one to whether we see eachother or not.  Im just amped about life regardless.  So much going on in such little time.   My sister is getting married and my other sister is going to have another kid. things are going to change so much.  A wish of mine is that i can see the most of my family as I can before its time to go because they are such an important part of my life. I really need to take advantage of the family I have that live next door as well. Maybe thats something I  can work on as I waiting to go to school.  Oh and I love The Format and Ace Enders & A Million Different People.  Freaking great artists. They will be dearly missed for the two short years.  Thats all for now.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Last Two Days

When I say my last two days I don't mean I only have two days left I mean the past two days. Just to clear things things up. 

The 3rd was my birthday and on your birthday is the day that you realize how many people you are friends with and how many people take the time to click on the link on Facebook to send you a message. It seems petty but its more than not doing anything.  And its very appreciated. And the phone calls are really fun because you get to talk to family that you don't talk to everyday.  Regardless of the lack of celebration you get on your birthday when your older its still alright. 

The 4th, yesterday, was my cousin Abigail's birthday and I gave her a call later in the evening because I literally slept all day.  At the theater, last night Rango started and we got a few people in for it, it definitely caught me off gaurd.

Megamind, the movie, came out last friday and I didn't get to see it in theaters so red boxed it last night and watched, then watched it three more times this morning.  Its definitely a buy. 

Nothing too exciting has happened but that's what you get when you work all the time, I did get to hang out with Damon the other night and watched The Time Travelers Wife, which is the worst movie of all time.  That's the First time I've hung out with anyone in a month.  Can't wait to get back to school and regain a social life. Although the money is nice being busy its not the most fun in the world. 

The countdown is 55 days till school.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Next Two Years

I was cleaning my room today and came across a book called What I Wish I'd Known Before My Mission by John Bytheway that my grandma had given me a month or so back.  In the beginning of the book he talked about the day of receiving your call.  And all the excitement and worries with it.  I really made me think about what it will be like for me.  I want it to be special but then again its only a letter from the office of the president of the church that will tell me where I'm going to be for the next two years so I guess its kind of important.

Just thinking about it I got butterflies in my stomach. But then I started questioning whether I am ready for it or not.  I'm sure there are people that are in a more desperate situation than myself, a motto I like to say to calm myself is "There is always someone that has it worse than I do".  It doesn't make me not worry about it but its just comforting that I'm not alone in this fight.  In a kinda-sorta way. 

I'm convinced that everything will work out and that I will do just fine but being a worrisome kinda person who thinks about what wouldn't work doesn't help.  Tomorrow I have my dentist appointment which will for the most part wrap up my papers which is the first step.

Its definitely going to be a story worth finding out what happens.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Growing Up

Getting older is a weird thing. People respect you more, generally speaking of course. There are less restrictions that can hold you back and you can physically do more. When your young you want to be older and when your older you wish to be young again.  Its odd that way.  Ive discovered that when your nearly 20 years of age the younger kids tend to not grow as fast.

I was hanging out with Jaxon and when I looked up his picture on the wall and its from about two years ago.  Since then he has grow twice his height and his hair has changed color.  He grows everyday but yet it seems like he never changes. 

Its a phenomenon that I wont ever understand.  But I guess its just something we all have to live with.