Friday, March 25, 2011

Its Getting Closer

The bushmans left this morning and as Ryan walked out the door and I said "See Ya".  And he replied, "maybe".  It really made me realize, Holy Crap.  Im probably not going to be seeing a lot of people for two and a half ish years.  And others Im going to have the oppertunity to spend a lot of time with before I leave.  Its really creeping up on me.  Ill leave for schoolon April 15 and get done July 26. With one or two visits home during that period of time.  Then it may be a few weeks or a month that I have left at home before I go.  Its just seems like a goliath right now but I know it will go by and I will have good times and rough times.  I know I will come out of it a stronger person.  Itll be fun.  I got a call from my uncle on my birthday about a month ago.  He was talking about visiting us because he hasnt seen the family in two years since his wedding and my brother and I saw him a year ago at my cousins wedding.  Id really like to see all of my family before I leave.  I hope that wish isnt too farfetched but its not too much to ask is it?  They are scattered from arizona to Canada. Its not too bad but its hard for us to all get together.

Theres also the chance of me and Brad crossing over.  By that I mean he comes home right after I leave.  A lot of people ask me about this but its still impossible to tell, until I get my call in a week or so.  I wouldnt be super depressed.  I mean I almost didnt say goodbye when he left because I had something going on and I was about to leave and my dad told me to give him a hug.  (come on dad we are close but not that close)  Whatever happens I know that it will be for the best and strengthen our relationship. Even though I hardly ever talk to him.  I feel kinda bad about it.  Im plan on emailing him at school but who know what will happen to that plan.  

Anyway, Im excited for the future and what it has in store for me. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Last day of school for you is my last transfer meeting. then i fly home the next day. soo we'll see if we cross over

  3. Im sure we will. Damon isnt leaving till Aug 31 and I have a feeling my date will be similar.
