Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Last Two Days

When I say my last two days I don't mean I only have two days left I mean the past two days. Just to clear things things up. 

The 3rd was my birthday and on your birthday is the day that you realize how many people you are friends with and how many people take the time to click on the link on Facebook to send you a message. It seems petty but its more than not doing anything.  And its very appreciated. And the phone calls are really fun because you get to talk to family that you don't talk to everyday.  Regardless of the lack of celebration you get on your birthday when your older its still alright. 

The 4th, yesterday, was my cousin Abigail's birthday and I gave her a call later in the evening because I literally slept all day.  At the theater, last night Rango started and we got a few people in for it, it definitely caught me off gaurd.

Megamind, the movie, came out last friday and I didn't get to see it in theaters so red boxed it last night and watched, then watched it three more times this morning.  Its definitely a buy. 

Nothing too exciting has happened but that's what you get when you work all the time, I did get to hang out with Damon the other night and watched The Time Travelers Wife, which is the worst movie of all time.  That's the First time I've hung out with anyone in a month.  Can't wait to get back to school and regain a social life. Although the money is nice being busy its not the most fun in the world. 

The countdown is 55 days till school.


  1. Haha dude, Time Traveler's Wife is terrible! Absolutely. I can't believe it actually got a contract.

  2. Also, we've got like 27 days till we leave for Rexburg! New life homie.
