Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feeling a Tad Lonely

But its alright.  There is sure to be excitement right around the corner.  Spring break starts this friday which means the cousins are coming and one or two(im not sure) of the theater slaves(joke they aren't slaves) will be leaving.  More work for everyone else. Thanks for thinking about us.  Anyway,  It sucks being the only one who stays up, or I guess for that matter is allowed to stay up on school nights.  Everything is more enjoyable when you dont have to do it alone.  But its only temporary, so Im okay with it.  Just a little more time and I will be surrounded by everything that makes oneself unlonely. (apparently that's not a word).

I watched the movie Beastly tonight.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I think it was a cool story line and everything, it just was way to corny.  They did manage to get some comic relief in there too so that was a bonus.  Other than that I have to give it a  3 star rating.  Hop is coming out this weekend as well and I really hope it comes through with all the advertising its gotten.  It will be a big movie, Im sure.

These are a few things Ive learned from operating a theater: 
It take more than just management and cleaning.  It needs personal understanding and care.   Not to brag but my family has done an amazing job on it and it is already three times the theater it was two months ago.  Now I have taken on the curiosity of how to make the popcorn better.  We got new seeds and they are great.  Except they are now the equivalent of the old seeds. We also have new butter but we are using all the old stuff first.  But back to the seeds.  I got curious and googled questions to find answers.  And of course it didnt fail.  There is oil inside the kernel and when you heat that kernel to 450 degrees the oil turns to steam and the seed essentially blows up.  So I figured out how it works but I didnt understand why the popcorn always seems dry.  And so I used google.  I found an article that recommended putting the seeds in a container and when not in use keep a damp towel over top to preserve the moisture inside the seeds.  Previously the seeds were in a metal drawer that was next to a lot of heat in order to keep the butter liquefied.  So that dries up the seeds right away.  That problem is now fixed by putting the seeds in a new container away from the heat and a towel on them at night and Ive become very passionate about making the best popcorn that we can.
Another thing, operating a theater takes a lot more work than I ever thought it did.  But once you get the hang of it and become passionate about your work it all becomes something else.  So much more.  Its definitely  become a blessing in my life.


  1. you are a theatre genius...I seriously have never thought the popcorn was dry before, but im not really picky with food haha. That was some deep thinking. I'm impressed.

  2. haha well i do my best. All it took was a little googling and a little wikipedia. im a determined person when it comes to things like this.
